Jasna Jovicevic

Artistic Researcher in Music, Contemporary Arts Theorist, Jazz saxophone, bass clarinet, spacedrum, Composer, Educator, Yoga teacher and NGO Project leader and manager/ activist.

Headshot of Jasna Jovicevic - a member of the Women in Jazz Media team team


Jasna is involved in our research work and published this article in our July 2022 magazine: Artistic Research in Jazz: A New Polygon for female artistic research positioning 

‘I've always been a musician. The sound led me, protected me, taught me and showed me the path. Trust, admiration, respect and humility towards music have shaped me in time. It deleted old, and created new records in my DNA.Music is the manifestation of the Supreme. The vibration of sound leads me through the visible and invisible. Creates and deletes illusion, expands the space and time, leads me through the darkness. Each tone that has been played, is my prayer and thanksgiving to Music. Merging with sound, transformation of consciousness through sound frequency brings me closer to Self. Music is a tool, path and destination.“ 

Jasna Joviċeviċ is saxophone, bass clarinet, flute, and spacedrum player and composer from Serbia. Jasna received her BA from Franc Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary, and MA in composition from York University in Toronto. She also studied music in Serbia, Brazil, USA and Austria, won the grants to Veneto Jazz- Italy, Banff Centre- Canada, ArtsLink- New York City, OMI- New York and Djerassi Residency - San Francisco Artist in Residency programs, as well as competitions in Milan, Budapest and Ljubljana for her compositions and performances. She performed her work around Europe, USA and Canada on various national and international festivals. 

She recorded few jazz albums, and “Invented Reality” and “The Sound of Birds” are her solo albums. Now living in Serbia, she is collaborating with the greatest Serbian and international artists in music and multidisciplinary projects. She has long experience in pedagogy, teaching at the University level, but mainly interested in non-formal education. She combines music knowledge with the knowledge of Yoga, Nature, Phycology, and Ecology, encouraging creativity and personal experience of music and art. Jasna is a certified hatha yoga teacher, with special accent on Nada yoga teachings, the yoga of Sound.

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