WIJM at the EFG London Jazz Festival: Two Voices For One Sound: reconnecting with ourselves here and now
24th November 2024 - Toulouse Lautrec

A workshop to explore and raise awareness about the voice as an internal dimension of expression of the identity of each of us.
By two voices we mean a reflection on the voice as both human identity and on the voice as self-expression. Sound represents ourselves, our uniqueness with all the nuances that each of us brings with us and that makes us original.
This workshop is aimed at all those who want to know or delve deeper into some aspects of the voice understood as the identity of each of us. Through specific relaxation, breathing techniques and vocal exercises we will focus on the sound of our voice, through an approach that intends the vocal dimension as a fusion between body and mind. The primary objective is to develop awareness of the value of our voice and grasp the nuances that can improve the person's well-being. A job that belongs to everyone and for everyone, just as the human voice is. The first part of the workshop will be conducted by singer and psychologist Diana Torti. In this part, vocality and possible connections with the aspect of well-being will be introduced. The techniques and exercises that will be practiced range from awareness, to vocal technique and improvisation. The common thread is a total vocal approach derived from years of practice and research in the vocal and psychological fields.
The second part will be curated by singer Germana La Sorsa, who will share her own experience on finding harmony and balance through mindfulness and meditations and how these practices helped her to fully use her voice as an artist.
Germana will lead a collective meditation where participants will improvise with mindfulness, breathing through their instrument, ultimately creating an impromptu performance.